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su 28. marrask.


Aleksanterin teatteri

Fight Sunday November: Back to Basics

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Fight Sunday November: Back to Basics
Fight Sunday November: Back to Basics

Time & Location

28. marrask. 2021 klo 11.00 – 16.00

Aleksanterin teatteri, Bulevardi 23, 00180 Helsinki, Finland

About the Event

Always wanted to try but never had a chance? Here it is! Come to learn about the basics of stage combat to our November's Fight Sunday. It is especially good for those who are new to our system, but it is also an excellent opportunity for more advanced fighters to remind themselves of the fundamental principals of performing violence and keep up the essential skills!

Come to learn, and come to play! We teach in English and/or Finnish, depending on the needs of the group.

Place: Aleksanterin teatteri, Bulevardi 23-27

Timetable: 11-13, lunch break, 14-16

Teacher: Henry Holopainen

Subject: Back to Basics

Cost & Payment: 22€ for members of Dramatic Combat Finland and/or Nordic Stage Fight Society and 27€ for non-members. Pay prior to the workshop to FI82 6601 0001 0767 36 / Dramatic Combat Finland ry. Referense number: 20213.

What to have with you:

- comfortable clothes

- shoes that don't leave any marks on the floor

- gloves in case we work with weapons

- water bottle!

And please let us know if you are coming by clicking the RSVP button!


HENRY HOLOPAINEN itsestään ja tulevasta Fight Sundaysta:

"Koulutukseltani olen puuseppä ja tällä hetkellä olen apulaisnäyttämömestari Kouvolan teatterissa. Olen tehnyt teatteria 25 vuotta esiintyjänä ja tanssijana.  

Tule oppimaan näyttämötaistelun perusteita. Koulutus on erittäin hyvä niille jotka haluavat aloittaa näyttämötaistelun. Myös vanhat ovat erittäin tervetulleita kertaamaan jo opittuja asioita. 

Fight Sundayn aikana käydään läpi näyttämötaistelun perusteita turvallisesti. Päivän ensimmäisellä jaksolla käydään aseetonta taistelua. Lyöntejä, torjuntoja ja reaktioita. Teemme myös pienen koreografian.  Päivän toisella puoliskolla käydään rapier-miekkailua. Opettelemme miekkailu turvallisesti näyttämötaistelun tavoin."


Fight Sundays are open level workshops dedicated to various themes related to the art of stage and screen fight. Every Fight Sunday offers a great opportunity to introduce yourself to the field, learn new skills or practice the techniques you are already familiar with.

Whether you are a theatre, dance or circus professional, or you are an enthusiast, who always wanted to learn about performing and creating stories of violence - come to the workshop! The training is sure to be both fun and useful as you learn partnering, cooperation and coordination skills, agility, precision and spatial awareness.

It is especially good for those who are new to our system, but it is also an excellent opportunity for more advanced fighters to remind themselves of the fundamental principals of performing violence and keep up the essential skills!

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